Making a Joint
Insert the tube into the fitting, aligning the two parts as they
will be installed. Mark the tube and the fitting so that you can
quickly realign the joint. See Figure 7.
Apply cement only to the outside of the tube. Dab the
cement generously in an inch-wide band. Insert the tube into
the fitting with the alignment marks a quarter turn apart, and
then quickly push and turn the fitting to align the marks and
spread the cement. Allow one minute for the joint to dry. You
may also use electrical tape or duct tape to further seal the
joint. See Figure 8.
Cementing Flexible Tubing
Make sure the ends of the flexible tubing are even—trim if
necessary. When you join flexible tubing to plastic tubing or
to an inlet mounting plate, apply cement to both the inside of
the flexible tubing and the outside of the plastic tubing or
mounting plate tubing ring. Twist the two pieces as you join
them to evenly spread the glue. Allow five minutes for the
cement to set in flexible tubing. You may also use electrical
tape or duct tape to further seal the joint.
Secure Wire to Tubing
The low-voltage power wiring is run along with the tubing. To
insure that the wire is secure and will not hang-up in a wall,
use electrical tape to attach the wire to the tubing. Tape the
wire approximately every 12-18 inches. See Figure 9.
Directions to change bag